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group show

October 7th - 29th, 2016


The Comfort of Stars features new work by Chris Mars, Naoto Hattori, Julie Filipenko, RELM, Scott Listfield, Happy D, Richard J Oliver, Dave Correia, Ania Tomicka, Erich J Moffitt, Veks Van Hillik, 100Taur, Chris Leib, Nick Sheehy, Jason Blake, and JoKa, with each of the 16 artists taking a science-fiction approach to explore our place in the universe, “our place” being either the self, or humankind. As a collection the works use space and time to tell a wide array of stories of the vastness of the universe and the smallness of ourselves, as a background for loneliness, isolation, as the last frontier for exploration and adventure, and to portray connected-ness, common origin, or the ‘theory of everything’.


Available works can ship immediately.

Payment plan options are available. 

All items marked with a red dot have been sold. 

Arch Enemy Arts • 109 Arch Street in Philadelphia, PA 19106 • (215) 717-7774
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