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Gerlanda di Francia


Italian artist, Gerlanda di Francia, builds enchanting scenes with layers of acrylic paint color hatching. The texture and detailed intricacies of her work capture the mystery and childlike wonder of fantasy, folklore, and fairy tales, often etched with ethical undertones that give focus to the current plight of the planet. 


Di Francia has been exhibiting in galleries around the world since 2015, and her illustrative work has been published in collaboration with a range of magazines, musicians, and products. After submitting to our 2021 open call showcase, di Francia began exhibiting with Arch Enemy Arts and has hosted two solo features to date.


Catalog of works.

Below is a list of all works from solo and group exhibitions. Any pieces marked with a red dot have been sold. 

Arch Enemy Arts • 109 Arch Street in Philadelphia, PA 19106 • (215) 717-7774
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