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Julianna Menna


Artist Julianna Menna is known for her portraits of surreal, skull-faced figures donned in baroque costume and staged in dramatic, fantastical settings. Her unparalleled painting technique is reminiscent of the Old Masters, as she captures the dark and dreamlike allure of European folklore, bringing her bizarre little creatures to life. 


Born and raised in Russia, Menna studied at the Russian State Art Academy and now lives and works in the Philadelphia area. She is a prolific tattoo artist and owner of Philigree studio in the city. Menna began showing with Arch Enemy Arts in 2014 and has hosted two solo features with the gallery.


  • Feature “Tea Party” (August 2020)

  • Feature “In The Cards” (May 2016)

Catalog of works. 

Below is a list of all works from solo and group exhibitions. Any pieces marked with a red dot have been sold. 

Arch Enemy Arts • 109 Arch Street in Philadelphia, PA 19106 • (215) 717-7774
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