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Robert Kraiza


Robert Kraiza creates fantastical drawings, paintings, and mixed media sculptures inspired by nineteenth century culture and aesthetics. Invoking the Victorian era, Kraiza works in dark, muted tones to imagine hidden, intimate scenes of freedom and witchcraft, imbued with romantic opulence and the charm of intricately crafted carving, design, and illustration. 


Based in Philadelphia, Kraiza studied Media Arts and Animation at the Art Institute of Philadelphia and has shown with Arch Enemy Arts since 2014.


  • "GREY GRIMOIRE" (November 2016)

Catalog of works. 

Below is a list of all works from solo and group exhibitions. Any pieces marked with a red dot have been sold. 

Arch Enemy Arts • 109 Arch Street in Philadelphia, PA 19106 • (215) 717-7774
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