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hanna jaeun

critters, creatures, & shadows

feature exhibition

Opening January 20th, 2023

Arch Enemy Arts is thrilled to announce CRITTERS, CREATURES, & SHADOWS: a stunning exclusive feature of the surreal figurative painter, Hanna Jaeun. Debuting a body of 8 original works, the show presents visual translations of sadness, longing, and self-realization through Hanna’s characteristic application of narrative in acrylic paint.


Currently based in LA, Jaeun studied apparel design at RISD, receiving a CFA before following aspirations of becoming a full time painter. Often drawing inspiration from themes of isolation and vulnerability, her most recent series dives deeper, assigning gaping mouths and animalian faces to the emotions that her subjects grapple with. The delicate contrast between feeling and figure, form and shadow, renders both a physical and sensational depth, the technique of which Jaeun feels is a development from previous works. In her reflections on what the works could present to their viewers, she hopes to inspire a sense of “beauty in darkness,” and that even within the sadness of the figures “a touch of playfulness” can emerge. 


Nostalgic and mournful, the soft palettes Hanna employs are coupled with charming relics that reveal a hopefulness within despair. As tears pour into fur and envelope their environments, melancholic projections of the over productive mind gnash, lick, and blink out of their undulating masses. And yet, even at their apparent peak, these “shadows” give way to falling petals and emerging blooms– little bridges between a troubled past and an optimistic future.


CRITTERS, CREATURES, & SHADOWS is AEA’s fourth solo feature of Hanna Jaeun coming after 2020’s fascinating The Birthday Show.

- written by Alex Medlin II

Hanna Jaeun's CRITTERS, CREATURES, & SHADOWS exhibition will be on view from January 20th - February 12th, 2023.
Sold works will begin to ship the week following the close of the exhibition, unless other arrangements have been made.

Items marked with a red dot have already been sold.

past WORKs BY hanna jaeun
all pieces marked with a red dot have been sold 

Arch Enemy Arts • 109 Arch Street in Philadelphia, PA 19106 • (215) 717-7774
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