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group show series

Back in 2020, amidst a prolonged quarantine and escalating anxieties, a new and exciting idea for a group show theme emerged. Seeking to counter the overwhelming melancholy, we envisioned a collection of works that would radiate vibrancy and joy. Participating artists were tasked with creating near-monochromatic pieces, each inspired by a single color from the ROYGBIV spectrum. As the finished works arrived, we skillfully and carefully arranged them on the wall, orchestrating a breathtaking crescendo of colors that spanned the full spectrum. While each piece is a standout in its own right, together they unite in a harmonious symphony and a vibrant celebration of color and creativity.

The SPECTRUM series has now been presented as four annual exhibitions since its inception in 2020.

On August 18th, we will launch the 4th edition of this series with a brand new and exciting lineup of artists eager to contribute to

the ever growing rainbow spectacle that is SPECTRUM.

View the works from SPECTRUM 1 - 3

View the works from SPECTRUM 4

Press: "Arch Enemy Arts Inspiring Shows: Michael Camarra, Allison Reimold, and Spectrum 4"

SPECTRUM 4 will be on view from August 18th - September 17th, 2023.
Sold works will begin to ship the week of September 24th, unless other arrangements have been made.

Items marked with a red dot have already been sold.

Interest-free payment plan options are available, email to inquire.

Spectum 1 23


Spectrum: September 18th - October 11th, 2020

Spectrum 2: September 17th - October 10th, 2021

Spectrum 3: September 9th - October 9th, 2022

PRESS: "SPECTRUM 3 @ Arch Enemy Arts" on
Arch Enemy Arts • 109 + 111 Arch Street in Philadelphia, PA 19106 • (215) 717-7774
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